
Coexistence of Dengue and Chikungunya: Challenges in Diagnos

Dengue and Chikungunya: Challenges in Diagnos The Indian subcontinent is synonymous with tropical diseases, and the prevalence of Vector-Borne diseases, although seasonal, is most catastrophic. Mosquitoes have been on this planet for thousands of years, and to date, they are responsible for wreaking havoc among large spats of the Indian Population. The major viral diseases […]

Blood Grouping and Transfusion: Significance and Challenges

Blood Grouping and Transfusion It would be hard to imagine any test or Diagnosis of any ailment done in today’s world without knowing the Blood group of the patient. Blood typing has become an integral part of the current diagnostic protocol and forms the backbone of any pre-surgical tests. Today, the human blood group system […]

Leptospirosis in India: epidemiology and diagnosis

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease more prevalent in countries associated with poor sanitation and hygiene. It is a highly communicable disease of the tropical world passing on from the animals (primarily rodents and bovines), which are the reservoirs of the pathogen, to humans. The disease is caused by bacteria, specifically a Spirochaete, which was later […]

The World of Antibodies: shape up Diagnosis for COVID?

The last decade exposed humankind to various viral infections like SARS, MERS, Ebola, and now COVID-19. While some of them developed antibodies against the infections, there are still many people who have not been exposed to these infections and are potentially at high risk of getting infected. Not only that, the biggest concern lies if […]

Diagnosis Of COVID-19: Mutations And Post-Vaccination Review

Diagnosis Of COVID-19 Humanity has never been brought to a standstill as the COVID-19 pandemic has done. What started as a pandemic from a small market in Wuhan in China spread in no time to the entire world, barely leaving any pocket non-infected. Since the pandemic started, the race was to understand the pathogenicity of […]

Immune response to infections and aftermath: Role of CRP

Role of CRP Inflammation can occur with any infection or wound in the body, and healing is important to understand the recovery stage. Hence, C-reactive protein (CRP) comes in handy as the efficient blood marker test. The CRP is released from the liver, and its concentration in the blood measures its level. Since the CRP […]

Scrub Typhus: Chiggers and Silent Transmission in Tropics

Also known as, Japanese river associated with jungle mite or chigger, termed ‘tsutsugamushi’ in Japanese. (tsutsuga= disease, harm, noxious and mushi= bug) Scrub Typhus is a zoonosis, with humans being accidental, dead end hosts. It’s a mite borne Gram negative bacteria Orientia tsutsugamushi of the family Rickettsiaceae. Scrub typhus spreads to people through bites or […]

Malnutrition and Celiac: Comorbidity and Diagnostic

Malnutrition and Celiac Celiac disease as we know today was discovered by the Greeks, and they named it after the inflammation of the bowels. The condition is prevalent among all age groups and is caused by autoantigen’s trigger by the consumption of Gluten protein present in wheat, rye, barley, and other grains.

Diabetes: unclogging the potency with Diagnostics

Diabetes is a medical condition that is now recognized as a major chronic pandemic disease globally. It is caused due to insufficient production and secretion of insulin from the pancreas in the case of Type-I Diabetes and defective response of insulin Type-2 diabetes.

Celiac in India: Masquerading with Malnutrition

Celiac in India Good Nutrition (more specifically a Balanced Diet) is integral for a healthy community and the well-being of all in a family, especially children. Malnutrition has no boundaries and has grasped all the continents for centuries.Plagued by social, economic and political events the issue of Malnutrition spiked in the 20th century. It became […]