

Immune response to infections and aftermath: Role of CRP

Role of CRP

Inflammation can occur with any infection or wound in the body, and healing is important to understand the recovery stage. Hence, C-reactive protein (CRP) comes in handy as the efficient blood marker test. The CRP is released from the liver, and its concentration in the blood measures its level. Since the CRP level rises with inflammation, it is characterized as an acute phase reactant since it is most active among the acute phase proteins.
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Malnutrition and Celiac: Comorbidity and Diagnostic

Malnutrition and Celiac

Celiac disease as we know today was discovered by the Greeks, and they named it after the inflammation of the bowels. The condition is prevalent among all age groups and is caused by autoantigen’s trigger by the consumption of Gluten protein present in wheat, rye, barley, and other grains.
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Scrub Typhus: Chiggers and Silent Transmission in Tropics

Also known as, Japanese river associated with jungle mite or chigger, termed ‘tsutsugamushi’ in Japanese. (tsutsuga= disease, harm, noxious and mushi= bug) Scrub Typhus is a zoonosis, with humans being accidental, dead end hosts. It’s a mite borne Gram negative bacteria Orientia tsutsugamushi of the family Rickettsiaceae. Scrub typhus spreads to people through bites or faeces of infected insects/ chiggers (larval mites).
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Diabetes: unclogging the potency with Diagnostics

Diabetes is a medical condition that is now recognized as a major chronic pandemic disease globally. It is caused due to insufficient production and secretion of insulin from the pancreas in the case of Type-I Diabetes and defective response of insulin Type-2 diabetes.
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Celiac in India: Masquerading with Malnutrition

Celiac in India

Good Nutrition (more specifically a Balanced Diet) is integral for a healthy community and the well-being of all in a family, especially children. Malnutrition has no boundaries and has grasped all the continents for centuries.Plagued by social, economic and political events the issue of Malnutrition spiked in the 20th century. It became more chronic in the developing world. As the children are mostly dependent on mothers they are more vulnerable to malnutrition if the food distribution is not even.
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Celiac and Diabetes: Myriad challenges in the frontier

Celiac and Diabetes

From ancient Greeks the known occurrence of Celiac Disease has been reported. The word Celiac refers to “Abdomen” and hence Celiac Disease as we know it today is the autoimmune disorder of the intestines caused by the consumption of Gluten.This is the same protein that is mostly found in grains like wheat, barley, rye and is responsible for making the dough elastic and providing a chewy texture to the bread.
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Celiac Disease: A Dangerous Under Diagnosed Condition

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that is triggered by the consumption of gluten. Gluten is a protein present in wheat, barley, rye, and other grains, making the dough elastic and giving bread its chewy texture. A patient with Celiac disease consumes gluten body overreacts to the protein and damages their villi present in the small intestine.
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Essentials of Tropical Medicine and Diagnosis

Essentials of Tropical Medicine and Diagnosis

The tropics are the lands of moist weather with seasonal torrential rains and dark and thick vegetation and any civilization thronging upon the potential livelihood in these areas will encounter the wrath of the various vectors (carriers) that bring a myriad of diseases.
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