Role of CRP
Inflammation can occur with any infection or wound in the body, and healing is important to understand the recovery stage. Hence, C-reactive protein (CRP) comes in handy as the efficient blood marker test. The CRP is released from the liver, and its concentration in the blood measures its level. Since the CRP level rises with inflammation, it is characterized as an acute phase reactant since it is most active among the acute phase proteins.
CRP can be used as a diagnostic marker to detect infection origin, whether bacterial or viral. If the level of CRP is high, it suggests a bacterial infection. CRP levels help to monitor the effect of antibiotics and detection of post-operative complications or intercurrent infections. The major functions of CRP are characterized as an Anti-Infective, i.e., Opsonise particles for phagocytosis; activate complement via a classical pathway and as Anti-Inflammatory actions where CRP helps in preventing systemic inflammation.
CRP helps release neutrophils, thus preventing the adhesion of WBCs to non-inflamed tissues and stimulating the release of anti-inflammatory molecules. The various factors affecting CRP level are BMI, Lifestyle Habits, and immune response to infections. Women generally have high levels of CRP than men. Lowering CRP could be due to increased alcohol intake, increased physical exercise, and weight loss, ultimately affecting the general body mass.
The most commonly available diagnosis method for inflammation is by checking the levels of CRP through Immunoturbidometry, Rapid immunodiffusion, Agglutination, ELISA, and immunofluorescence (IFA). The agglutination test is prone to its limitation when the reaction time is critical. Exceeding the reaction by more than two minutes, the reaction mixture’s drying may cause false-positive results. Freezing the CRP latex reagent will result in spontaneous agglutination. On the other hand, tests like ELISA and IFA are more precise and give concurrent results in real-time. The clinical importance of CRP can be evaluated in two levels; mild elevation and highly elevated levels. The factors for mild elevation can be Lupus (SLE), Scleroderma, and Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis. If the CRP is in high concentration, it could be due to Osteoarthritis, Predictive coronary events, Proinflammatory or prothrombotic effects.
J Mitra & Co. too understands the gravity of the situation and is committed to addressing the immune response as an effect of infections or operative cases and the subsequent complications of inflammation and has constantly been providing affordable and reliable diagnostic kits for detection of CRP. The hs-CRP ELISA and hs-CRP ELISA card are quality products conceived and developed by J Mitra at its facility. The ease of use and the high reproducibility of the results make them the first choice of clinicians. The kit’s efficacy is evident because it has been accepted widely by customers all across the country.