Card: Immunofluorescence Analyzer
Specificity: Excellent
Linearity Range: 4.0 – 80 ng/ml
Long Shelf Life: 15 Months at 2-8°C

Intended Use

Vitamin D Quanti Card is a sensitive immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Vitamin D (Total) in human serum with device reader.

Salient Features

  • Principle : Based on most advanced fluorescence competitive immunoassay
  • Quantitative detection of 25 –OH Vitamin-D2 & D3 in Human Serum.
  • Excellent specificity.
  • Accurate Results traceable to international standard reference NIST-SRM 972a .
  • Excellent result correlation with LC-MS/MS
  • Individually pouched test cartridge, each cartridge is precision engineered with embedded lot data.
  • Linearity Range: 4.0 – 80 ng/ml.
  • Analytical Sensitivity: 4.0 ng/ml
  • Results within 25 Minutes after adding prepared sample in the cartridge
  • Long shelf life: 15 Months at 2-8°C.
  • Convenient pack size: 10 tests.
  • Prompt service back-up

Principle (Antigen-Antibody Reaction)

Vitamin D Quanti Card is based on principle of competitive immunoassay. The vitamin D from the sample is first released/extracted. The assay is based on competition between extracted vitamin D from test sample and vitamin D biotin conjugate for the limited no of binding sites of specfific antibodies fluorochrome conjugate. As a result higher concentration of vitamin D produces a lower fluorescence signal and vice versa. The signal is interpreted and displayed on device reader in form of results.

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Catalog No.
Vitamin D Quanti Card 10 Tests IR461010, IR291010

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