Kit Type: Procalcitonin ELISA Test Kit
Based On: Sandwich Immunoassay
Linearity Range: 0.010- 25 ng/ml
Longer Shelf Life: 18 Month at 2-8°C

Intended Use

PCT Quanti Microlisa is designed for in-vitro quantitative determination of PCT in human serum or plasma.

Salient Features

  • Based on sandwich Immunoassay.
  • Quantitative Detection of PCT(Procalcitonin) in Human Serum/Plasma.
  • Linearity Range: 0.010- 25 ng/ml.
  • Analytical sensitivity is 0.010 ng/ml.
  • Breakaway microwell strips.
  • Color coded reagents to monitor procedural steps.
  • Assay procedure : 45min.
  • Prompt service back-up.
  • Longer shelf life : 18 month at 2-8°C.
  • Pack size: 96 test.


PCT Quanti Microlisa is an enzyme immuno assay based on sandwich ELISA.Microwells are pre-coated with antibodies against human procalcitonin.

Sample is added to the microwell followed by addition of enzyme conjugate (anti-PCT antibodies labelled with HRPO). Binding of PCT is detected by enzyme conjugate. Incubation is followed by a washing step to remove unbound components. The color reaction is started by addition of substrate and stopped after a defined time. The color intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of PCT in the sample.

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Catalog No.
PCT Quanti Microlisa 96 Tests IR390096

Performance Characteristics Of PCT Quanti Microlisa Test

  1. Accuracy : The kit has been tested using clinical samples in comparison with commercially available reference immunoassay test kits (ELISA /CLIA/ELFA) and the Accuracy co-efficient is > 0.996
  2. Precision :
    1. The test results are repeatable in Within run precision testing with CV <10%.
    2. The test results are reproducible in between run precision testing with CV <15%.

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