Kit Type: Dengue IgM Test kit (ELISA)
Specificity: 99.84%
Sensitivity: 99.13%
Feature: Unique break-away wells

Intended Use

Dengue IgM Microlisa is designed for in-vitro qualitative detection of Dengue IgM antibodies in human serum or Plasma and is used as a screening test for testing of collected blood samples suspected for DENGUE. The kit detects all four subtypes; DEN1, DEN2, DEN3 & DEN4 of Dengue Virus.

Salient Features

  • Based on “Capture ELISA” principle
  • Detection of all 4 serotypes of Dengue (DEN 1 – DEN 4).
  • Colour coded reagents to monitor procedural steps.
  • Longer Shelf life: 18 months at 2-8°C.
  • Sensitivity 99.13% & Specificity 99.84%
  • Convenient pack size: 96 Tests
  • Unique break-away wells
  • Prompt service back-up


Dengue IgM Microlisa test is an enzyme immunoassay based on “CAPTURE ELISA”. Anti-human IgM antibodies are coated onto microtiter wells. Specimens and controls are added to the microtiter wells and incubated. Antibodies to Dengue if present in the specimen, will bind to the anti- human IgM antibodies adsorbed onto the surface of the wells. The plate is then washed to remove unbound material. Horseradish peroxidase (HRPO) conjugated Dengue antigen (DEN-4) is added to each well. This dengue antigen conjugate will bind to dengue specific IgM antibodies which is complex with anti-human IgM antibodies.

Finally substrate solution containing chromogen and hydrogen peroxide is added to the wells and incubated. A blue colour will develop in proportion to the amount of dengue antibodies present in the specimen. The colour reaction is stopped by a stop solution. The enzyme substrate reaction is ready by EIA reader for absorbance at a wavelength of 450 nm. If the sample does not contain dengue IgM antibodies then enzyme conjugate will not bind and the solution in the wells will be either colourless or only a faint background colour develops.

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Catalog No.
Dengue IgM Microlisa 96 Tests IR024096

Performance Characteristics ( In House Evaluation) Of  Dengue IgM Microlisa

No. of Samples Status Dengue IgG Microlisa
Positive Equivocal Negative
115 Dengue Positive 114 1 0
5490 Dengue Negative 3 3 5484

Sensitivity: 99.13%
Specificity: 99.84%

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