Advantage Chikungunya IgM Card

Kit Type: Chikungunya Test Kit (Rapid)
Sensitivity & Specificity: Excellent
Result Time: Within 15 Minutes
Shelf Life: 30 months at 2-30° C

Intended Use

Advantage Chikungunya IgM Card is a visual, rapid, sensitive, qualitative immunoassay for the detection of Chikungunya specific IgM antibodies in human serum or plasma.

Salient Features

  • One step test procedure.
  • Results within 15 minutes.
  • Bio hazard free, fully covered, see through device.
  • No Instruments required.
  • Excellent Sensitivity & Specificity.
  • Long Shelf life: 30 months at 2-30° C.
  • Convenient pack size:10 Tests


Advantage Chikungunya IgM Card is a one step Immunochromatographic assay based on sandwich principle. The test sample is introduced which flows laterally through an absorbent pad where it mixes with the conjugate. If the sample contains Chikungunya specific IgM antibodies, it forms a complex with the conjugate. The complex then migrates through the nitrocellulose membrane by capillary action. When the complex meets the line of immobilized capture reagents (Test Line ’T’), it generates a pink purple line, indicating that the sample is reactive .To serve as a procedural control, an additional control line ‘C’ has been immobilized at a distance from the test line on the strip. If the test is performed correctly, this will result in the formation of a pinkish-purple line at the control region upon contact with the conjugate.

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Catalog No.
Advantage Chikungunya IgM Card 10 Tests IR061010

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