Intend Use: The Anti-H Lectin is a purified extract from seeds of Ulex europaeus. The reagent contains a phytohaemagglutinin which is virtually specific for the H antigen on human red blood cells.

Intended Use

The Anti-H Lectin is a purified extract from seeds of Ulex europaeus. The reagent contains a phytohaemagglutinin which is virtually specific for the H antigen on human red blood cells. Anti-H Lectin is used to demonstrate the presence of H antigen on human red blood cells and in assessing the H secretor status of group ‘O’ individuals.


Major percentage of the population (80%) has soluble ABO blood group antigens present in their body fluids. These patients are known as ABH secretors while remaining 20% are non secretors. Secretors contain the following ABH antigens in their body fluids:

  • O Secretors : Only H : A Secretors : A & H
  • B Secretors : B & H : AB Secretors : A,B & H
  • Non Secretors : None

Human red blood cells possessing H antigen will agglutinate in the presence of seed extract of Ulex europaeus containing phytoagglutinin specifically directed towards it. Saliva also contains water soluble ‘H’ antigen which gets neutralized by Anti-H Lectin.

Agglutination of red cells/neutralization of Anti-H Lectin by saliva is a positive test result and indicates the presence of H substance on/in the red cells/saliva respectively. No agglutination of red cells/neutralization of Anti – H Lectin by saliva is a negative test result and indicates the absence of H substance on/in the red cells/saliva respectively.


Anti H Lectin is stable at 2-8°C for 24 months.

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Catalog No.
Anti-H Lectin 5 ml BR080005

Performance Characteristics

Cells Avidity Intensity Titre
A1 2-4 seconds +++/++++ =64
A1B 2-4 seconds +++/++++ =64

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