Anti D (IgM) Monoclonal Antibodies

Type: Blood Grouping Reagent
Intend Use: Anti-D (IgM) Monoclonal Antibodies are in-vitro culture supernatant of hybrids obtained by cellular fusion (Hybridoma Technology).

Intended Use

Anti-D (IgM) Monoclonal Antibodies are in-vitro culture supernatant of hybrids obtained by cellular fusion (Hybridoma Technology). It is a monoclonal antibody for Rh typing and is for in-vitro use only.


Human red cells are classified as Rh positive (Rh +) or Rh negative (Rh -) depending upon the presence or absence of ‘D’ antigen on them. Major percentage of the population is Rh positive. Human red blood cells possessing D antigen will agglutinate in the presence of corresponding antibody. Agglutination of red cells with Anti-D (IgM) Monoclonal antibodies indicates the presence of D-antigen and hence Rh-positive result. It can detect D antigen (Rh1) & high grade Du antigen (weaker variant of antigen D). Incase of no agglutination is obtained with Anti- D (IgM) Monoclonal antibodies, the cells should be then checked for the presence of low grade Du antigen by Coomb’s test using Anti-D (IgG) & Anti Human Globulin serum (Coomb’s Reagent).


The Antibodies are stable at 2-8°C for 24 months.

Ordering Information

Product Name Pack Size Catalog No.
Anti D (IgM) Monoclonal Antibodies 10 ml BR260010

Performance Characteristics

Cells Avidity Intensity Titre
O+ve 4-7 seconds ++/+++ =256

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