1 / 10
Which are the complications of celiac disease
2 / 10
Which of the following diseases is associated with celiac disease
3 / 10
Celiac disease can be classified under which of the following conditions?
4 / 10
Celiac disease is caused due to an immunological reaction to Gluten
5 / 10
How does celiac disease impact villi of small intestine?
6 / 10
Celiac disease IgA antibody screening helps in the confirmatory tests
7 / 10
Most significant serological marker of Celiac disease
8 / 10
Females are more prone to celiac disease as compared to males (2:1)
9 / 10
Chronic celiac disorder is characterized by malabsorption of
10 / 10
What kind of disorder Celiac disease is?
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